Friday, 1 November 2013

4-Play & 5-Play at Aquarius

I finally did it! I am now a pornographer. :)

Back in July I did my first photoshoot with 4 kinky friends at Aquarius Bath House in Winnipeg. It was full amateur unscripted fun at its best!

French Maid's nipples get the clamps
Up until that point my education in photography had me taking photos of static subjects under controlled lighting conditions. My teacher told me that my photos were some of the best she's seen from a beginner. So with a well-inflated ego I took on the task of photographing Kitsune88, French Maid, Shelby, and Lylani while they had some BDSM fun at Aquarius. To be honest though, as an amateur photographer I think I bit off more than I could chew.

I had never been to Aquarius or any place like that before, so I was a little out of my element, nor was I expecting to meet Shelby and Lylani, two post-op transgendered women. Prior to them I had only met one transgendered woman (that I was aware of) briefly back in October 2012 at a Tortured Youth meeting and it took me awhile to acclimatize to the reality of it, and to correct myself from calling them "guys". The group immediately started stripping and tying each other up. Despite the nudity and the sexual mood of the room I was able to maintain composure and focus on getting the pictures. Only one time in the entire three-hour session did I find myself aroused.

Aquarius is a great place for naughty romps, but a photo studio it is not. The room we had was lit poorly (one light on a far wall). I brought one static soft box light with me, but there was only one outlet in the room so most of my photos were confined to that area. After talking to some other photographers (and comparing my photos to the pics taken by expose-ay in the same room 18 days later) I've decided that I definitely need a flash whose direction I can adjust.

Shelby in her leather catsuit
The group was very active, flogging each other and playing, so I needed to use a faster shutter speed to capture the action, but the low light required a wider aperture,
introduce a lot of noise into my pictures. The room was also very hot, as we had to keep the door closed to prevent a lot of voyeurs from hanging around, requiring frequent water breaks.

I'm an introvert who doesn't deal well with social situations. The fact that I met new people in a strange place in a strange part of town and performed an activity I'm by no means an expert on and still ended up with some half-decent photos was a major accomplishment for me. I posted a few raw images up at fetlife and was sharply criticized for my lack of proper processing and framing (not to mention lighting and everything else). I've taken their criticisms as constructive and am going through the images and carefully altering each one to a more polished version. Once I get enough together I'll put it up on Mall of Erotica as 4-Play at Aquarius.

Kitsune88 and her friends invited me to photograph them again at Aquarius a few weeks later but I ended up getting sick and couldn't attend. In my place I sent veteran photographer expose-ay, who did an excellent job and was able to process his images much faster, thus 5-Play at Aquarius is up on Mall of Erotica first.

The 4 Friends: Lylani, Shelby, Kitsune88, and French Maid
So if you're in Winnipeg/Selkirk (and area) and you'd like to get some kinky shots taken and you like my work (which will get better with practice) fill out our talent application form or contact me through this blog.

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