Friday, 31 August 2012

An Introduction

Two and a half months. That's how long Mall of Erotica has been live. It's been scary and nerve-wracking, trying to break into an industry that I really should have tried to get into 10-12 years ago and I'm hoping that this all works out.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

My name is NiCheng. I am a software developer who first started programming when a forward-thinking teacher introduced me to Applesoft BASIC in 1991. Discovering an aptitude for it I excelled and quickly out-learned the teacher by the end of the school year. I begged my parents for a PC and when they finally gave in a few years later I taught myself Visual C++. I wasn't properly schooled (as "Dummies" books didn't exist yet) and I knew no one with a strong background in programming to guide me, but I muddled along. The aptitude evolved into a passion and now I can't imagine a day going by where I'm not trying to solve a problem or invent new code in my head or on a computer. It is truly my calling.

When I first got access in 1995 the Internet was a simple place. You used Lycos for searching the 14,000 or so websites in its directory and websites were largely static and put up for informational purposes only. Despite all the interesting science stuff and conspiracy theories on the early 'Net the thing that shocked me the most was all the content about sex and erotica. Best of all, the mainstream world didn't know the World Wide Web existed yet and it was all free.

I was raised in a relatively conservative Christian household and had limited exposure to anything sexual. The "sex talk" was a very minimal technical talk focusing on abstinance and the public sex-education at school didn't really explain a lot for me other than "insert tab A into slot B". Encountering female nudity was largely restricted to the occasional boob shot in a movie. I had no sex drive (I didn't masturbate until a girlfriend showed me how when I was 18) but was fascinated by the female body. With the new discovery that people were posting nude images of celebrities and amateurs on the Internet, I set out to see every female celebrity and ethnicity/body type/etc. nude and collect and catalogue as much of it as I could.

By 1999 I had written a custom database program running in Windows 3.1 that catalogued over 3000 photos. Finding no end to my desire to see females nude, I discovered appreciations for fetishes like light bondage, superheroines in peril and humiliated, and anything to do with what would later be known as ENF (embarssed nude female). I started expanding my image database to include these and other fetishes that piqued my interest. Over time I converted my custom software to a MySQL database and then to a Sql Express Database on my private PC where it exists to this day.

All this was done in secret given my conservative family, and for all the shame I felt about it my curiosity and desire for erotica would not abate. As the first few mainstream adult sites started popping up on the Internet I wished I could have somehow been involved. A news story in my paper about a local guy around my age who was making $10,000 a month from his website by linking to adult sites (back when you got paid-per-click) made me upset that I couldn't openly pursue it. By the time I finished my university degree, got a job and was able to move out on my own, the dot-com bubble had burst and I resigned myself to a fate of never being able to combine my love of erotica and my love of programming for anything more than a personal hobby database.

Despite the bubble pop and the start of the US financial troubles the porn industry had emerged relatively unscathed. And when I found myself out of a job and needing to find a way to make ends me, I placed one cold call to an adult website to offer to convert their static HTML site to a dynamic PHP one. They accepted and I got a contract that kept a roof over my head for the next 7 months.

The adult site I worked on was fun and the client was great. In fact, one time when I called his house to talk to him his wife (the star of the site) answered. It was quite the feather in my cap at the time.

When the project was over I started hitting up other adult websites for work. While I was never as successful as I was with my first cold call, I made some contacts in the industry and even better I learned enough about the business to believe I could build my own adult site.

In 2009 I contacted the lovely and talented graphic designer Slipperychik to collaborate with me, and at first she was on board, even knowing a girl who wanted to break into online adult modelling. I did all the research and planned everything out but life changes with Slipperychik and me prevented us from getting together to make it happen.

Then in late 2011 I was faced with some new recurring expenses in my life and found myself frustrated with the lack of money I was making at my day job and a disatisfaction of the work in general. I decided I had gotten tired of seeing other people make money off my work and it was time for me to live the dream: I was going to create an adult website.

Unfortunately my personal life is still quite conservative and the idea of finding models and becoming an out-and-out pornographer was an issue. However after talking to a few of the contacts I made in the industry I found a need for a high-quality, feature-rich online erotica website, where content producers can create shops, upload and define products, set the products price then sit back and let the site earn for them. I had the expertise to make it happen and I decided that was the sort of site I was going to make.

I called up Slipperychik (who had sadly moved 2000km away) to get her to collaborate with me again. This time she was on board and in discussions about the purpose and naming of the site I said "'s kind of like a shopping mall, except it's for erotica. A mall of erotica", and thus the name "Mall of Erotica" was born.

So after a lot of coding and design work, getting a pilot group together, and going through the craziness of getting a merchant account...Mall of Erotica went live on June 15th, 2012. It's been two and a half months, and they've been quite scary and nerve-wracking. And that's where this post started.

For those who have read this introduction looking for information about started up an adult website, I would recommend the helpful people at Go Fuck Yourself. They have tons of useful articles and posts, and the huge community of adult webmasters are always willing to answer noob questions. I wish I had found them before I started Mall of Erotica...I probably would've done some things differently.

A poster on GFY recommended that to increase traffic to your site and search-engine ranking, to create a blog and post links to your site. I'm not sure if they were advocating fake blogs, but I've seen some people mention that they create blogs on behalf of some of their more popular models. To me, that feels a bit dishonest. I realize that getting traffic to your site is the way to make money, but I don't want to have to trick people or search engines into coming to me site...I want people to find it, think it's awesome, and tell their friends.

The site is still new, however, and it isn't as awesome as it will be. I recommend you check it out and maybe you'll see some erotica you'll want to buy. Maybe you'll open a shop and sell your own erotica there. Either way, my success starts with you, so c'mon down!

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